Pawsitivity! 10 things your dog can teach you about loving life

If you’ve been privileged enough to share your life with a dog, you will know that we, as humans, can learn so much about life and ourselves from observing dogs. Dogs are full of love, compassion, resilience, and joy. By spending more time with our dogs we can gain so many valuable insights into how to be better humans. We’ve put together a list of all the beautiful and precious lessons we can learn about life from our furry besties. 

  1. Exercise is important…


Dogs are happier and healthier when they get regular exercise and outdoor time. So are humans! We all know how important daily movement and exercise is, so get out those dusty sneakers, grab your dog’s lead, and take your dog out for a lovely long walk. An active lifestyle is great for both our and our dog’s physical and mental well-being.

Once you have a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” – Dean Koontz

2. But, so is rest.

The average dog spends between 12 and 14 hours a day resting and sleeping. Dogs know how important good rest is for a healthy body and mind. Be like a dog and try to get as much quality rest as possible. The benefits of good rest include a reduction in stress, an improvement in productivity and creativity, and an increase in well-being and physical and mental health. 

Be the person your dog thinks you are.” – C.J. Frick

3. Loyalty and love

Any pet parent will tell you about this awesome phenomenon they experience with their fur child known as ‘unconditional love’. So, what is unconditional love? Defined as ‘love with no conditions, no strings attached, no expectations’, this type of love is the purest form out there. Learn to love like a dog by forming deep, meaningful connections with those around you. Love and support your friends and family without judgement or fear.

A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.” – Robert Wagner

4. Unspoken communication

If you know anything about animals, you will know that much of their communication occurs through body language and behaviour. Dogs are the same: cues and information about how they are feeling and what they are experiencing can be gained simply by understanding their body language. Learn how to navigate human interactions more effectively by understanding non-verbal communication. Remember that old saying, “Actions speak louder than words”. 

Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” – Orhan Pamuk

5. Always find time to play

As children, we learn to navigate our environment and surroundings through play. It is a way of understanding how to interact and communicate with those around us. Unfortunately, we lose this playful component as we grow older and the pressures and constraints of society try to force us into certain moulds. Dogs, whether they are puppies or seniors, will always find the time to play, have fun, and do the things they enjoy best. Be like your dog and play every day.

My sunshine doesn’t come from the skies. It comes from the love that’s in my dog’s eyes.” – Anonymous

6. Be resilient and tough

Life is hard and trying to get through a busy or difficult day can sometimes feel incredibly overwhelming. The truth is that being a human is tough and there will always be ups and downs. Take a cue from your dog – how do they recover from difficult events, such as the loss of a furry friend? While they take their time to process a painful experience, a dog will also bounce back from challenges or setbacks. Expect the highs and lows of life and learn to be resilient to changes. Be like a dog and keep going despite the hardships of life; this is the value of perseverance.  

Everything I know, I learned from dogs.” – Nora Roberts

7. Cultivate empathy and compassion

How often do we find ourselves becoming defensive, deeply hurt, or aggressive in the face of a perceived insult or offence? At a fundamental level, this is an evolutionary response to danger. Remember learning at school about the ‘flight or fight’ response in animals? Humans react the same to what may seem to be an attack. However, compassion and empathy can go a long way in healing this automatic response. Dogs can teach us a lot about being in tune with others’ feelings and offering support in times of need. How often have you arrived home from work after a particularly difficult day, just to find complete comfort in the love of your dog? Respond to everything with love, empathy, and compassion, just like your dog, and watch the world around change, for the better.

When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I see a soul.“ – A.D. Williams

8. Be adaptable in the face of challenges

Adaptability and the willingness to accept change is a perfect way to let go and enjoy the undetermined way our lives unfold around us. Dogs have an uncanny ability to adapt to various changes in environments and situations, and to accept and embrace whatever life throws at them. Follow your dog’s example and learn to be flexible, adaptable, and open to change, even in the most challenging of situations.   

Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, and filling the emptiness we didn’t ever know we had.” – Thom Hones

9. Live in the moment and be curious

I’ve often watched my dogs immerse themselves in an interesting or new experience, to the extent that they block off the world around them (even ignoring my attempts at calling them back!). One of the greatest lessons we can learn in life is to surrender to the moment and enjoy every aspect of the present. Dogs don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future but instead appreciate what is happening to them right then, at that moment. Being present in the moment gives one a chance to explore life’s simple pleasures without the pressure of what has happened, or what may still happen.  

The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment.” – Robert Falcon Scott

10. Fill your life with joy and happiness

Dogs are masters of enjoying life to the fullest. Why do you think so many people spend their days scrolling through pictures and videos of playful and joyous puppies? Watching such uninhibited joy reminds us of our own ability to enjoy every aspect of our precious lives. Make an effort every day to take a timeout and immerse yourself in something that gives you joy, be it a hobby, exercise, or meditation. Or better yet, spend some quality time with your four-legged bestie. Who better than the dog to teach us all about joy and contentedness? 

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France